Thursday 7 May 2015


False premises:

 People in Brazilians are good in football fore that the Brazilian league should the best league in the world.

The traditional food in UAE is hares, Lebanon is an arab country, therefore, their traditional food is hares too.

Two wrongs:

My uncle is texting win he driving, that no problem for me to texting win i driving!

fared he didn't cam to classes, because of that i shod didn't came to classes 


 All Indians like hot food.
 Blue for boys and pink for girls.
 Black people like basketball.
 All women driving the car slowly.
 Black people are criminals.
 All Japanese have small eyes.


Thursday 16 April 2015

Exercise #8

No- false standing in rain premise dis  not load to a cold.

No- People wall pollute the countryside

No-  Because of the different generations and ages

No- Because it depends on the quality of programs

Saturday 28 March 2015

Exercise #7

Apple watches more usefully then Samsung watches

Because of technological development many people start use the smart watches, the most prominent companies in this area are the Samsung Company, which issued 6 smart watches. But I that Apple 
watch which Apple Company launched in the last month am the best smart watch.

Apple watch is prefer because it comes in three different types of watch. First, the regular watch which comes with square screen, second the sports watches that carry the same design, but lighter and better for exercise, at last the edition watch that carry the same design, but is made from 18-karat gold, reverse with the Samsung which that only comes with one type only. Apple watch comes in two different sizes large watch most appropriate for men and small watch most appropriate for women But Samsung comes in one size only. Apple comes in three different colors, black and silver and gold, but Samsung have only two colors black and white. Both watches have built-in heart rate sensors. Apple watch also has a feature that lets you to send your heartbeat to a friend. Physical buttons on the side of the Apple Watch You can see a two buttons (the winder doubles as a second button) and a lone home/power button on the front of the Samsung, and that this is a preference for Apple watch

In the last we now that Apple watch is better than Samsung watch in cost used and application and choose the best watch it is depends on your needs of the watch and how you used.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Exercise #6

Main argument: 

People with weak immunity system and pregnant woman can be damaged from cats at the house with them.

Reasons that support the argument: 

1)    Pregnant woman can affect and damage there unborn child by staying with cats.

     2)    Children at the age drinking breast milk can lose their vision and their movement with cats in the house.

     3)    People with weak immunity having cats may have sudden attack of illness and face death.


Cats can hide many different diseases that can cause humans without knowing that this particular cat have some risks.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Exercise #5

1- Improved attention and observation:
 An example from my real life is when I decided to buy a new car because I was tired of my old car the  Toyota Land Cruiser 2006, because there is no any specifications like the automaticsystem and the Bluetooth and the economic system of the Petroleum and the navigation system,so I began searching on the Internet for new or used car fit my needs.

2-over-estimating our own reasoning abilities 
know we have our own beliefs so with that we don't work hard in critical thinking and sometimes in our arguments we win the arguments by the religion beliefs

3-Improved ability to identify the key points in a text or other message rather than becoming distracted by less important material.

The example for this benefit from my life is when I was studying for the IELTS in HCT foundation. Anyway, I learned how to skim and scan the important words from the articles to get the idea in short time. Furthermore, I can use the important words to make summary that is conclude the whole idea.

4-Improved ability to respond to the appropriate points in a message.
before i buy the car i should first book a test driving session to compare the available models of the car and get what i think is suitable for me.

5-Knowledge of how to get your own point across more easily.

When I go to the shop I will ask the worker there about the TV and what is good or bad in it, does a lot of people buy it and what the accessories can I buy with it.

6-skills of analysis that you can choose to apply in a variety of situations. 
 I can use these steps to buy other thing like phone or computer or electronic devices and absolutely will be best way.

Exercise #4

Barrier 1 -- Misunderstanding of what is meant by criticism
Critical evaluation means identifying positive as well as negative aspect For example, last year when I was in the foundation year made a presentation and then my teacher criticism in promised mistakes.

Barrier 2 -- Over-estimating our own reasoning abilities

Lack of methods is when you don't have much experience about  how to do something then you will failing in doing it.

Barrier 3 -- Lack of methods, strategies or practice
Lack of practice is when you don't exercise about doing something you know, you will cannot do it as good as in the past.

Barrier 4 -- Reluctance to critique experts
Is the fear or hesitation person to criticize the person with more experience. When you realize that there is an error in your manager decision but you didn't say anything about it because you think that the manager is more experience.

Barrier 5 -- Affective reasons

When emotions overcome the truth and affect in your opinion. When i criticized the performance of my brother favorite football player in the last Match he will be angry.

Barrier 6 -- Mistaking information for understanding

Some people do not want to make an effort to solve their problems but they prefer to rely on other people.

Barrier 7 -- Insufficient focus and attention to detail

When you focus more on the vigor and spend more time this is helping to be an effective critical thinker.